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Zazen Gatherings

Daily zazen is the foundation practice of Zen life. Group zazen inspires and helps stabilize our practice. Beginners are welcome at Sunday Zazen Gatherings, at which time there is zazen (Zen meditation) instruction. Thereafter attendance at other gathering times is also possible. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to be seated in the zendo before the period begins, anytime from 30 min. prior to starting time. Open Donation Basket. (Members: Free).

Dress: For zazen, a formal zazen robe is recommended. Otherwise, wear loose fitting clothing in a solid, neutral color, floor length, and with elbow-length sleeves. Please do not wear tank tops, shorts, tight pants, or fragrance. The zendo (zazen hall) can be chilly in cold weather months; dressing in layers is recommended. Slip-on shoes to and from the zendo building are helpful.

For beginners and those new to EMZ, a full zazen period of 45 minutes will allow for a dink of the bell at the 25-minute mark, for a chance to adjust or stand briefly and then (without any further signal) to continue sitting for another 20 minutes.

Please contact us for specific dates or see the Endless Mountain Zendo Facebook page.


9:00 – 10:45 a.m. with tea afterwards. Beginners are welcome as well as those with zazen experience. Zazen/ zazen instruction, chanting, kinhin walking Zen, and Dharma talk sometimes.





6:45 – 8:30 p.m.  Chanting, zazen, kinhin walking, and prostrations. Short tea afterwards. 


To attend: please e-mail endlessmountinzendo@gmail.com. Dates of zazen gatherings are announced by e-mail. To receive e-notices of impromptu and scheduled events, please ask to be put on the sangha e-list or see the Endless Mountain Zendo page on Facebook.

The residents' daily morning and evening zazen schedule is open to those who have attended an initial zazen instruction, cannot make it to the zazen gathering times, or would like to intensify their daily practice. Please contact us for current days and times.

Zazen Online Zoom

For beginners and those new to EMZ, a full zazen period of 45 minutes will allow for a dink of the bell at the 25 - minute mark, for a chance to adjust or stand briefly and then (without any further signal) to continue sitting for another 20 minutes.

Wednesdays:     6:30 – 8:10 pm:   Heart Sutra in English and Hannya Shingyo chanting, zazen, kinhin walking 10 min., zazen, closing Namu Dai Bosa chanting, dedication, prostrations. Join in for both or one sitting.
(See link below for chants)

Saturdays:     7:00 – 8:40 am:  Morning service chanting, Kinhin walking, AND/*OR zazen. One-on-one Dharma Meeting with Genro Sensei follows after 8:40 am on an impromptu basis.

*Log on at 7:45 am for just zazen, 7:55 – 8:40 am.

To attend and get the Zoom link: please e-mail endlessmountinzendo@gmail.com. To receive e-notices of impromptu and scheduled events, please ask to be put on the sangha e-list or see the Endless Mountain Zendo page on Facebook.


2024 Calendar

Jan. 12-15        Rohatsu Zazenkai

Mar. 12-20        March Sesshin

Apr.  6-7           Buddha’s Birthday Zazenkai

May 4-5            Oxfam Benefit Zazenkai

May 1-31          Oxfam Online Fundraiser

May 31- Jun. 2 Weekend Sesshin

Aug. 2-4           Obon Work Exchange Weekend

Aug. 3              Obon Lantern Ceremony - Evening of Remembrance

Sep. 14-15        Zazenkai

Oct. 5-13          Golden Wind Sesshin

Nov. 15-23       Thanksgiving Sesshin

Dec. 6-8           Buddha’s Enlightenment Weekend Sesshin


Jan. 10-18        ROHATSU SESSHIN


Suggested Donations for In-Person Participation.:

Guest Residency: $80/1st day, then $75/day. ($50/day - 8 days or more)

Intro to Zen Training:  $50. (Students: $30)

Kessei - 1 month: $1,200. (Members: $1,000.)

New Year's Eve Zazen & Candlelight Ceremony: Open Donation Basket

Obon Lantern Ceremony: Open Donation Basket.

Overnight Prior to Event: $65. (Members: $50.)

Sesshin - 14-Day: $660. (Members: $585.)

Sesshin - 2025 Rohatsu: $475. (Members: $425.)

Sesshin - Weekend: $210. (Members: $185.)

Sesshin – 5-Day: $325. (Members: $295.)

Sesshin - Weeklong: $440. (Members: $390.)

Work Exchange Weekend: Work Exchange with Open Donation Basket

Zazen Gatherings:  Open Donation Basket (members: free)

Zazenkai: $120. (Members: $90.)

Consideration is made for students and hardship situations.

All donations are tax deductible as defined by law.

Endless Mountain Zendo is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, EIN 23-2743858



Endless Mountain Zendo, 104 Hollow Road, Stillwater, PA 17878

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